How to set transaction gas price in foundry?


If I have a test in foundry:

function testDoStuff() public {

And I'm trying to figure out how much gas it uses, I'd use gasleft(). However, tx.gasprice is defaulted to 0 in foundry.

How do I set it to something else so I can get the gas used of this function?

For context, in a foundry test, this prints 0


Answers 2

You can use the foundry cheatcode txGasPrice.

For example:

uint256 gasStart = gasleft();
gasEnd = gasleft();

// tx.gasprice is 2 due to the first line
uint256 gasUsed = (gasStart - gasEnd) * tx.gasprice;

Yes, your answer is correct for setting the transaction gas price in Foundry using the cheatcode txGasPrice. Here's the revised code with some minor modifications to ensure correct variable declarations and usage:

await vm.txGasPrice(2);
const gasStart = await ethers.provider.getGasLeft();
await myContract.functionCall();
const gasEnd = await ethers.provider.getGasLeft();

// tx.gasprice is 2 due to the first line
const gasPrice = 2;
const gasUsed = (gasStart - gasEnd) * gasPrice;
console.log("Gas used:", gasUsed);

This code sets the transaction gas price to 2 using the vm.txGasPrice cheatcode. It then calculates the gas used by the functionCall() by subtracting the remaining gas (gasEnd) from the initial gas (gasStart) and multiplying the result by the gas price.